born: he knows
United States of America
A graffiti artist communicating with the world by leaving his former tag everywhere he could. At this stage of life lots of things were not working, including contentions with the law because of his art.
So he started working on canvas as a way to share his art and inspirational words that supported him renewing his life.
Following positive minded teachers, he took a new path in his life, adopted the name Wall Street, stayed unknown to the public and finally found spiritual currency.
Today he is listening to lectures on YouTube and transmits the words that rest on him right into his paintings. Hi is juggling between Neo-Expressionism and abstract Graffiti, fusing positive quotes and bizarre phrases. When an aerosol can runs dry in action he let us know how he feels about it by writing it directly in the painting. He is creating in an almost raw spontaneous, energetic and sometimes violent expressive manner.
Mediums used are acrylic, spray paint, and oil markers on canvas.