Morena Beltami


born: 1965Italy Morena Beltrami is a very sensitive to the needs of the society around her.Her thoughts take shape and come to life on canvas with the help of strong and intense colors, filling spaces here and there in a chaotic and dynamic way, sometimes expressing anger and other times being poetic and evocative. Only …


“Ernie” Er BRIAND

PresentationBorn : 1975 * 1995-96 :Beaux-Arts de Rennes. * 1996-2012:International Plarform and privare collections********* BRETAGNE.********* FRANCE METROPOLE.********* ITALIE.********* AUTRICHE.********* BELGIQUE.********* GUADELOUPE.********* CANADA.********* ANGLETERRE.********* SUISSE.********* U.S.A.********* LUXEMBOURG.********* CORSE.********* PAYS DE GALLES.********* ALLEMAGNE.********* AUSTRALIE.********* GRECE.********* UNITED STATES

Yann Sciberras


Born: 1968, lives in France He is a French painter and performer.Yann Sciberras joined a commerce school before going to university and studying art history.Art has a special meaning for the artist, as it’s not only a way of expression for him but also a way to keep current events alive, give evidence through reality …